Arborist Enterprises FAQs
We have the answers to many of our clients typical questions.
Your Tree Service Questions, Answered
Before hiring a Lancaster County tree service company, you probably have questions about estimates, invoices, permits, and doing the work. Here are some of the questions we're commonly asked. Please call us at 717-393-7602 if there's anything else you'd like to know – we’re always happy to answer your questions!
About the Company – insurance, certifications, awards, qualifications, accreditation
Invoicing & Payment – payment options, how and when invoices are sent
Estimates & Proposals – how to get an estimate, how/when proposals are sent, how to accept a proposal, who does proposals, if the homeowner must be present, why you can’t get an estimate over the phone (for most things)
Scheduling – how to reschedule, what the wait time might look like
About Tree Work – Call Before You Dig, working in winter, if the homeowner needs to be present

About the Company
We’ve been in business for more than 30 years, and we have an intimate understanding of Lancaster County and the trees in the area.
At Arborist Enterprises, we take training and following the best practices very seriously. We have the following credentials:
Yes, we follow all the appropriate laws and have insurance.
Invoicing and Payments
No, we will send you an invoice after we complete the job.
You can pay on our website, mail us a check, call in with your credit card, or pay in cash.
No, we will send you an invoice by email or mail.
Estimates & Proposals
While a picture gives us some understand of the task ahead, we need to visit the site ourselves to see any potential complications and get a full understanding of how to best care for your tree.
You can call us at 717-393-7602 or request an estimate online.
While we’d love to see you and talk about the process, as long as we can access the tree and know where it is, you don’t have to be home when we visit your property.
About Tree Work
We recommend pruning in the winter or spring, though you can hire us to remove deadwood any time. Removals can be done any time of year, though we do take into account the conditions of the ground when scheduling.
Depending on the tree, we recommend planting in the spring or the fall.